Technical Reports (TR)

See and download all available technical reports here.

Planning for Housing Growth Technical Report

This technical report was produced in the light of the revocation of the Regional Spatial Strategy, as a result of which local authorities need to set and justify locally determined housing growth targets. The Report assesses the implications of planning for different levels of housing growth within Knowsley. The report provides evidence to support the proposed housing target of 450 dwelling completions per annum set in the Plan. The Report also underpins the proposed distribution between settlements and identifies the shortfall of land for housing that needs to be met by developing in the Green Belt. 

Planning for Employment Growth Technical Report

This technical report provides evidence relating to the levels of employment growth (in planning terms) which could be accommodated within Knowsley and informs the appropriate scale of future employment development set out in the Plan. It includes information about the scale and range of sites required to accommodate new employment development over the plan period, and the amount of land that may be required to develop for this purpose in the Green Belt.

Planning for Retail in Knowsley Technical Report

This technical report provides evidence relating to future retail needs in Knowsley’s settlements to ensure that the offer is sufficiently attractive, diverse and accessible for local residents. The report supports the proposed hierarchy of Knowsley’s retail centres and presents evidence relating to the appropriate scale and distribution of future development set out within the Plan.

Spatial Profile Technical Report

This Technical Report provides an overall portrait of the Borough of Knowsley, its role in the Liverpool City Region, and the key issues and opportunities which affect the Borough and each of its communities.

Strategic Context Technical Report

This report brings together existing evidence and commentary in order to present a clear picture of the Strategic Context for the development of the Core Strategy.

Sustainable Urban Extensions Technical Report

This report provides further detail regarding the Council's approach to proposed modifications to the Core Strategy in relation to a range of Sustainable Urban Extensions. The report provides a rationale and evidence for the new policies proposed as part of the Core Strategy modifications.

Developer Contributions Technical Report

This report provides further detail regarding the Council's approach to proposed modifications to the Core Strategy in relation to setting a framework for the prioritisation of developer contributions sought through new development.

Affordable Housing Policy Technical Report

This report provides further detail regarding the Council's approach to proposed modifications to the Core Strategy in relation to setting policies for affordable housing provision in Knowsley.

Green Belt Technical Report

This technical report provides evidence relating to the selection of Green Belt “broad locations” which are required to enable Knowsley to meet longer term residential and economic development requirements. The Report assesses the merits of each potential development location along with an appraisal of each location’s ability to contribute towards the vision and strategic objectives of the Core Strategy.

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