Council Tax

Find information about your Council Tax, including ways to pay, discounts and manging your account online.

Services List

Who should pay Council Tax?

If you occupy a property as your main home, you are responsible for paying Council Tax.  If you’re under 18 you do not need to pay Council Tax.

Register for Council Tax

If you are moving into Knowsley from outside the borough or setting up Council Tax for the first time (for example, moving from family or friends and previously not liable for Council Tax), you can let us know here.

Tell us about a change of address

If you're an existing Knowsley resident or landlord, and already liable for council tax, you can let us know about a change of address here.

Your Council Tax bill

We send out Council Tax bills for the year ahead by the end of March. Here, we explain how your bill is broken down and what it means.

Contact this service

  • Our phone number 0151 443 4476

Opening times

Monday to Friday - 9am - 4:45pm

We are not open on bank holidays.

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