Planning and development

Here you will find information surrounding planning permission, building regulation approval, heritage conservation and more.

Services List

Perform a property search

When buying a property, you must perform a property search to identify any issues that may affect it. Find out more about conducting your property search here.

Planning permission

Planning permission ensures that new buildings and developments fit in with the surrounding area and don't damage the environment. It considers how land and buildings are used, how they look, how they fit in with the landscape, how people get there, and how they affect the environment. Find out how to apply here.

Planning policy

Knowsley Council's planning policies aim to create sustainable, vibrant, and inclusive communities through careful consideration of land use, development, and infrastructure. These policies promote a balance between economic growth, environmental protection, and social well-being.

Planning enforcement

Knowsley Council's planning enforcement team addresses unauthorised development, ensuring compliance with planning regulations and protecting the environment and neighbourhood amenity. They investigate complaints, prioritise cases based on severity, and take appropriate enforcement action.

Building regulations

Building regulations ensure the safety, energy efficiency, and accessibility of buildings. Building control officers enforce these regulations and provide guidance. Find out more here.

Public registers and charges

Knowsley currently offers access to several public registers, with efforts underway to make all information available.

Planning specific enquiries

Find contact details specifically for Knowsley Council Building and Planning for planning services in Knowsley, planning permission and Knowsley planning applications. Get in touch by e-mail, telephone or write to us.

Gas extraction in Knowsley

Knowsley Council opposes fracking due to environmental concerns and lack of economic benefits. The government supports fracking and has issued exploration licences. Find out more here

Section 106 (S106) Legal Agreements

Section 106 agreements are created when a development is expected to have significant effects on the surrounding area that cannot be adequately addressed by planning conditions.

Register street name or house number

Knowsley Council requires you to register a new street name or house number by submitting a completed application form and supporting plans. Download the relevant forms here.

Large sites

If you're looking to expand your business or invest in Knowsley then find out who to contact here.

Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) and development work

Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) enable the council to protect important trees. Find out more about conservation areas, how to apply to carry out works on a tree, high hedges and how to report a problem or dangerous tree here.
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