Adult social care

Advice and support for adult social care in the Knowsley borough.

Services List

Supporting you at home

Find out more about the services available to help support you in your home and maintain your own independence.

Specialist support for adults

Find out more about the services available to help support adults with disabilities and their caregivers through short-term care, day centres, legal safeguards, and community programs.

Paying for Adult Social Care

All people in England receiving Adult Social Care services should expect to pay for their care and support. Find out more here.


Find out more about the support and services available for carers in the borough here.

Mental health support

Advice and support services to help you look after your mental health including if you or someone you know need urgent mental health support.

Policies, plans and strategies

Knowsley Council is committed to sharing as much information about our programmes and plans as possible. Find out more here.

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