Litter is anything which is thrown, dropped, or otherwise deposited. The five most common types of litter are cigarette butts, chewing gum, single-use plastic bottles, cans and food packaging (e.g. crisp packets and takeaway food wrappers).
Households and businesses should also be aware that putting refuse out for collection outside specified times also constitutes littering.
Littering is an environmental blight that the Council takes very seriously, and we continue raising awareness amongst residents and businesses of the negative impacts of irresponsible behaviour on local environmental quality.
We aim to provide a clean and litter-free environment by putting resources where they are most needed and responding quickly when informed about a litter problem.
We are responsible for installing, maintaining, and emptying over 700 litter bins throughout Knowsley. The bins are sited in prominent spots and provide an easy way for you to dispose of your rubbish.
What can you do to help
- Dispose of litter in the bins provided. If one is not available, keep hold of your litter until you find one that is, or take it home with you and dispose of the rubbish when you get home.
- Tie up your bin bags carefully and use a bin with a lid.
With the help of local businesses, Knowsley Council also supports and takes part in regular community clean-up events promoted by Keep Britain Tidy, so look out for events near you or get in touch if you want to start your own event. Please click here for additional information on community clean-up events.
Environmental Protection Act 1990
Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005, local authorities can issue Fixed Penalty Notices to people caught littering. Our Enforcement Officers patrol the borough; anyone found littering can be issued a £150 fixed penalty notice.
Report litter to Knowsley Council
The information will be passed to our Streetscene service to be dealt with during our next scheduled visit.
Nitrous oxide cannisters
If you find empty cream charger (nitrous oxide) cannisters, please do not dispose of them in household bins (recycling or waste).
Household recycling centres (Huyton Waste Recycling Centre and Kirkby Waste Reception Centre) can not accept empty cannisters from residents.
If found, please report to Knowsley Council for collection:
Parks and green spaces -
Footpaths, grass verges or any other public areas, please complete our online form here.
Our frequencies of cleansing:
- Shopping Parades and Town Centres are cleaned daily.
- Residential areas are cleaned monthly.
- High-speed, rural and strategic roads are cleansed on a reduced frequency as they require traffic management and are cleansed during the grounds maintenance operations.
- High-speed roads are cleansed up to three times per year.
- Rural roads are cleansed up to two times per year.
- Strategic roads are cleansed up to six times per year.