The grounds maintenance service tends for green spaces that are owned by the council. Street cleansing helps keep our community a clean and safe environment. Find out more here.
Our street cleansing service is responsible for keeping the streets clean and free of debris. This includes removing litter, graffiti, and other hazards. The service also removes abandoned vehicles and dead animals from the highway. Find out more here.
As part of the council's Climate Emergency Declaration, we've created a few natural tall grass sites along roadside verges to increase green space in the borough. You can find the locations here.
Some of the other services which are provided by the council's Streetscene team include pest control and winter gritting. Find links to the pages here.
Find out what to do if you discover a dead animal on roads, highways, council-owned land or private property, what to do if you hit an animal with your vehicle and if you discover five or more dead wild birds in the same location.