Apply for an in-year school transfer

Find out how to apply for a school place or transfer to a Knowsley primary or secondary school here.


In-year school admission is when a request is made for a place at a school other than at the typical points of admission in reception and year 7. This guide will help you when applying for in-year admission to Knowsley schools.

You may want an in-year admission to a Knowsley school because:

  • You are moving your address into the area, and your child cannot continue attending school due to travel distance/time.
  • Your child is currently in an independent (private) school, or you have elected to home-educate, but you now want your child to attend a Knowsley school.
  • Other reasons why you no longer want your child to continue to attend their current school.

Please note:

  • There is no guarantee that a place will be available in your school/s of preference or that siblings will be offered places in the same school.
  • If your child has an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), you should contact your local authority's Special Education Needs Service about changing schools, as different procedures apply. 
  • You should receive an outcome to your application within 15 school days. In-year applications are not processed during school holiday periods when schools are closed. Please remember this when applying or making enquiries about an outcome.
  • To apply for a school outside Knowsley, you will need to follow the in-year admission procedures of that local authority.
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