School Admission Arrangements 2026/27 Consultation

The local authority is considering admission arrangements for the 2026/27 school year.


Consultation on the proposed admission arrangements and admission numbers will open on Friday, 20 December 2024, for a required six-week period and closes on Friday, 31 January 2025.

Below, you will find consultation documents in relation to the proposed admission arrangements for community primary schools in the borough and those primary and secondary academies that are adopting the local authority admission arrangements. Parents/carers of school-age children and relevant pre-schoolers and community groups who may be interested are invited to submit their views on the proposals.

Voluntary-aided schools/academies and any local academy schools who are not adopting the LA arrangements are responsible for determining their own individual admission arrangements. Some of these schools may also be consulting on their arrangements and any details of these will be available on the individual school/academy website and by request from the individual school.  

Also available to view on this webpage are the formulated Knowsley coordinated admission schemes for the annual allocation of reception class places in primary schools and year 7 places in secondary schools for the 2026/27 school year.  These schemes detail the practical and administration arrangements of the admissions process followed by all schools in the Knowsley authority area.  

Hard copies of the consultation documents or copies in other formats are available by request to


We welcome your views – to respond to this consultation, please email or send written responses to 

Knowsley Borough Council
School Admissions Service
Education Improvement Team
PO Box 21
Municipal Buildings
Archway Road
L36 9YU

Please ensure you respond no later than 31 January and provide contact details; if you are responding on behalf of a group, please state its name.

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