Stronger Communities Fund criteria and guidance

Find out about the Stronger Communities Fund including who can apply, what funding is available, who to and how to apply.

What kind of projects will be supported

The following types of projects will be supported:

  • Projects which are directly linked to the Knowsley Council Plan priorities
  • Projects which directly support the Council’s Prevention and Early Intervention agenda
  • New and existing project activity which demonstrates additionality (such as wishing to scale up or replicate in a new area)
  • Projects applying for either capital and or revenue
  • Projects which can demonstrate community support
  • Projects delivering in Knowsley for Knowsley residents
  • Projects which can demonstrate measurable outcomes and/or value for money

Previous unsuccessful projects can reapply.

We will consider funding projects which have previously been funded by the Stronger Communities Fund, but new funding must be used to expand the project (to more people), extend the project (to additional locations), and/or enhance outcomes (for current users).

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