Stronger Communities Fund criteria and guidance

Find out about the Stronger Communities Fund including who can apply, what funding is available, who to and how to apply.

What cannot be funded

The following are not eligible for funding:

  • Individuals
  • Organisations with fewer than three unrelated Trustees/Directors/Management Committee Members
  • Projects and activities classed as a statutory responsibility
  • Purchase/maintenance of vehicles
  • Private Businesses or Community Interest Companies limited by shares
  • Retrospective activity
  • Town and Parish Councils
  • Exclusively religious activities
  • Projects which have the potential to be deemed political
  • Projects or events which promote or condone extremist ideology, activities, or terrorism
  • Academic research, educational bursaries, or travel projects
  • Schools and or Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs)
  • Projects which are not linked to the Knowsley Council Plan priorities
  • Projects which cannot demonstrate community support
  • Projects from organisations that request continuation funding that cannot demonstrate additionality
  • Pan-Liverpool City Region projects (funded activity must be exclusive to Knowsley).
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