Paying for Adult Social Care

All people in England receiving Adult Social Care services should expect to pay for their care and support. Find out more here.

Paying for care provided in your own home or in the community

What services do I have to pay for?

You will be charged for most services arranged by the Council. Non-residential services could include:

  • Home care services
  • Day care services
  • Supported living
  • Direct payments
  • Extra care housing
  • Technology enabled care

How will the amount I have to pay be calculated?

An assessor from the Financial Assessment and Charging Team will contact you to gather the following:

  • Information about your income and savings
  • Information about household costs you must pay, such as your mortgage or rent, and costs for Council Tax
  • Information about costs that you incur specifically because of your disability related needs which are not met by us

The financial assessment will ensure that you retain a basic level of income known as the Minimum Income Guarantee. This will ensure that you can meet your daily living costs, such as food and utility bills.

All of this information will be used to work out the maximum that you can be expected to pay. The Council will write to you to confirm the outcome and provide a copy of your financial assessment.

What are disability related expenses?

Disability related expenditure is additional expenses that a person has to pay due to a disability or condition to meet needs that are not being met by the Council. This will be discussed as part of your Social Care Needs Assessment.

If you are in receipt of Personal Independence Payments (Daily Living component), Disability Living Allowance (Care component), Attendance Allowance, or have a Severe Disability Premium you will receive a disregard of either 10% of the value of those benefits or the evidenced cost of your additional disability related expenditure if that is more.

Expenditure must be reasonable and verifiable, with receipts for example. Where expenditure cannot be verified or where reasonable alternatives are available at a lower cost or for free, the expense may not be included or may be restricted to a lower cost determined by the Council.

What happens if I own my own home?

If you own your home, it will only be considered as an asset if you no longer live there as your main home. For example, if you move into an extra care setting or a care home to meet your needs.

If you move into an Extra Care setting and you owned your former home, this will usually be included in your financial assessment. If your property is included in the financial assessment and you do not intend to sell your former home, more information will be provided during your financial assessment about your eligibility for Deferred Payments.

There is also more information on Deferred Payments on the website.

How do I pay?

You will receive an invoice every four weeks from the Council’s Sundry Debtor Team advising of due payment amounts and available payment methods. Invoices are issued in arrears so payment is only requested after receiving your care and support.

Your invoice will be based on the cost of the services you have received and the amount you have been asked to pay towards your care and support.  It is important to note that you will be charged for any care that has not been cancelled with notice. For example, if a carer visits your home and you decide, when they arrive, that you do not need the care.

Any queries around being charged for care that you do not feel has been provided should be raised with your care provider in the first instance. 
If you receive a direct payment, the amount you need to pay will be deducted from your direct payment, and you will need to pay the difference into your direct payment account.

If you are having difficulty paying your bills, please tell the Council as soon as possible. They may be able to offer you information and advice which could prevent you getting behind with your bills or falling into debt. If you have any queries about making payment for your care, please ring the Council’s Sundry Debtor Team on 0151 443 4455.

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