How publishing content works

The Website team has developed this library to ensure a consistent approach across council websites.

Design decisions

Design and content decisions are owned by the Website team. It’s not the responsibility of the service to design how the page, product or elements within it will look.

What a content officer does

For more information on the content designer’s role and how they work, read GOV.UK’s content designer role definition.

 A content designer will:

  • work with user researchers and the service to document user needs
  • make sure appropriate content is shown to a user in the right place and the best format
  • work with user researchers, service designers, interaction designers and other content designers to create and publish content that meets those user needs

How we work together with services

We will work together to understand what the service needs to achieve, and then base how the solution looks and is structured on user research. We'll always try and involve the service in user research and testing as much as possible so that they understand the basis for our decisions.  

The publishing process

Content sign off is shared between the service team and a Website Content Officer or Website Manager. 

The service team is responsible for the accuracy of the content, making sure it is factually correct. They are also responsible for making sure the content complies with any statutory obligations, and that it does not contain any personal or sensitive information. 

The Website Content Officer is responsible for the usability and accessibility of the content, making sure it is in the best possible format to meet the user needs.

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