Highway fees and charges

See fees for highway items here.

There are several fees and charges for a variety of highway items.  Most of these fees will be charged to developers and businesses, and a small number are relevant for residents.  

The following charges are relevant from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025.

Item 2024 to 2025 fee (from 1st April 2024)
Copy of Highway Adoption plan £52.25 (V.A.T exempt)
Section 38 Agreement Inspection Fee (Highways Act 1980), relating to construction of new highways

10% of the Council’s estimated value of the works 

(minimum fee of £4,000.00)

Section 278 Agreement Inspection fee (Highways Act 1980) relating to highway improvement schemes

10% of the estimated value of the works 

(minimum fee of £4,000.00)

Section 38 and Section 278 (Highways Act 1980) Street Lighting Works are liable to a commuted sum and a fee for their design and installation To be agreed during the design stage
Highway Search Queries (including adopted highways, Council owned land, road improvement schemes, Traffic Regulation Orders, Stopping Up Orders, Traffic flows, & Public Rights of Way) £25 per question (V.A.T to be added)
Copy of Public Rights of Way plan. Click here to go to the plan request Public rights of way | Knowsley Council £52.00 (V.A.T exempt)
Public Right of Way Declaration (section 31(6) Highways Act) – single application £412.00 (V.A.T exempt)
Public Right of Way Declaration (section 31(6) Highways Act) – joint application £550.00 (V.A.T exempt)
Public Right of Way Declaration (section 31(6) Highways Act) – per additional parcel £70.00 (V.A.T exempt)
Public Right of Way Statement (Section 31(6) Highways Act) – single application

£415.00 (V.A.T exempt)


Public Right of Way Statement (Section 31(6) Highways Act) – joint application

£550.00 (V.A.T exempt)


Public Right of Way Statement (Section 31(6) Highways Act) – per additional parcel

£70.00 (V.A.T exempt)


Section 257 Public Rights of Way Diversion Actual costs incurred + 20%
Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TS & non TS road and emergency) £2,226.00 (V.A.T exempt)
Driveway Protection Markings (H-bar) £143.00 (V.A.T exempt)
Permanent Traffic Regulation Order, for developers £6,500.00 plus cost of works
Tourism Signage  £100.00 initial charge per application (non-refundable). Full cost of signage and future maintenance.
Copy of Stopping Up/ Diversion Order of highway £52.25 (V.A.T exempt)
Public Space Protection Orders Actual costs incurred +20%
Permanent Stopping Up/ Diversion of Highway  (S.116) Actual costs incurred +20%
Building over the Highway (Section 177) Actual costs incurred +20%
Traffic Count Data

£240.00 (V.A.T to be added)


Accident Data provision £200.00 (V.A.T to be added)
Bagging Turning Signals OFF (One attendance only) Standard Weekday 9am-5pm

£550.00 (V.A.T to be added)


Unbagging Turning Signals ON (One attendance only) Standard Weekday 9am-5pm £550.00 (V.A.T to be added)
Bagging Turning Signals OFF (One attendance only) Weekend and Outside Standard Hours £636.00 (V.A.T to be added)
Unbagging Turning Signals ON (One attendance only) Weekend and Outside Standard Hours £636.00 (V.A.T to be added)
Traffic Signal Information - recharges other Agencies £232.00 (V.A.T to be added)
Failure of a Utility Company to attend a S.81 NRSWA defect & make safe their apparatus on the highway Actual cost incurred by LA + 20% Admin fee
Pavement Licence (up to 12 months & renewal) Actual costs incurred + 20% 
Footway Crossings (vehicular dropped crossing) Assessed and priced individually – actual costs incurred charged plus 15% Admin fee
Highway Notice i.e. crane/ cherry picker £166.00 (V.A.T exempt) per day
Highway Notice - container on highway £166.00 (V.A.T exempt) per week

Section 50 and Section 171  NRSWA (new scheme)

Minor immediate (1-3 days)

£726.00 (V.A.T exempt)

Section 50 and Section 171  NRSWA (new scheme)

Standard (4-10 days)

£1,210.00 (V.A.T exempt)

Section 50 and Section 171  NRSWA (new scheme)

Major (11 days duration or more)

£2,420.00 (V.A.T exempt)
Drainage – Consent and enforcement of Ordinary Watercourse fees (per structure) £50.00 (V.A.T exempt) (statutory fee)
Copy of Highway Adoption plan £52.25 (V.A.T exempt)

New Road and Street Works Act inspection fees

Set nationally

Standard Charge to Utilities Companies £50.00
Defect Charge to Utilities Companies £120
Charge to Third Parties (Public, Police) £68.00
Section 74 Overrun charges (Cat 0 & 1 Traffic Sens) £5,000 to £10,000
Section 74 Overrun charges (Cat 0 & 1 Non Traffic Sens) £2,500.00
Section 74 Overrun charges (Cat 2 Traffic Sens) £3,000 to £8,000
Section 74 Overrun charges (Cat 2 Non Traffic Sens) £2,000.00
Section 74 Overrun charges (Cat 3 & 4 Traffic Sens) £750.00
Section 74 Overrun charges (Cat 3 & 4 Non Traffic Sens) £250.00
Skip Permit on Highway: 1 – 7 days £22.00
Skip Permit on Highway: 8 days onward – charge is per 7 days £22.00
Penalty for no Skip Permit (plus Skip Permit Charge for days on highway, as above) includes Inspection Charge of £25 £99.00

Scaffolding and Hoarding Permits Static Obstruction Licence Fee:


Initial Licence Agreement £122.00
Plus Daily Inspection Charge £122.00
Up to 10 metres in Length (up to 7 days) £82.00
Up to 10 metres in Length (thereafter per week) £24.00
Over 10 metres in length (up to 7 days) £122.00
Over 10 metres in length (thereafter per week) £40.00
Over 20 metres up to 30 metres in length (up to 7 days) £162.00
Over 20 metres up to 30 metres length (thereafter per week) £55.00
Over 30 metres up to 50 metres in length (up to 7 days) £240.00
Over 30 metres up to 50 metres length (thereafter per week) £72.00
Over 50 metres in length (up to 7 days) £320.00
Over 50 metres in length (thereafter per week) £88.00
Bay Suspension Charge - Between 1 and 3 days £82.50
Bay Suspension Charge - Between 4 and 7 days £137.50
Bay Suspension Charge - from Day 8 - Price Per day £11.00
Bay Suspension Charge - Overstay from initial licence price per day £27.50
Street works permit scheme fees
Provisional Advance Authorisation (PAA) Must precede Major Permit (Category 0-2 and Traffic Sensitive) £105.00 (V.A.T exempt)
Major - duration of over 10 Days (Category 0-2 and Traffic Sensitive) £225.00 (V.A.T exempt)
Standard - between 2 and 5 days duration (Category 0-2 and Traffic Sensitive) £130.00 (V.A.T exempt)
Minor - duration of 3 days or less (Category 0-2 and Traffic Sensitive) £65.00 (V.A.T exempt)
Immediate (Category 0-2 and Traffic Sensitive) £60.00 (V.A.T exempt)
Variation (Category 0-2 and Traffic Sensitive) £45.00 (V.A.T exempt)
Provisional Advance Authorisation (PAA) (Category 3 -4 Non Traffic Sensitive) £72.00 (V.A.T exempt)
Major - duration of over 10 Days (Category 3 -4 Non Traffic Sensitive) £120.00 (V.A.T exempt)
Standard - between 2 and 5 days duration (Category 3 -4 Non Traffic Sensitive) £70.00 (V.A.T exempt)
Minor - duration of 3 days or less (Category 3 -4 Non Traffic Sensitive) £37.00 (V.A.T exempt)
Immediate (Category 3 -4 Non Traffic Sensitive) £31.00 (V.A.T exempt)
Variation (Category 3 -4 Non Traffic Sensitive) £35.00 (V.A.T exempt) 
Street lighting
Street Lighting column attachments: 1- 5 authorised column attachments £258.00 (V.A.T exempt)
6-20 authorised column attachments £347.00 (V.A.T exempt)
21-50 authorised column attachments £429.00 (V.A.T exempt)
50 plus authorised column attachments To be agreed - based on quantity and detail
Fitting by Council of authorised attachments to column Quote given for actual cost incurred, from Enerveo

View more information about column attachment costs and for applying for a Section 178 Licence

Travel Plan Review Charges – Housing Developments

1 -150 houses



Plus an additional refundable*10% surcharge

150 – 250 houses



Plus an additional refundable*10% surcharge

250 houses



Plus an additional refundable*10% surcharge

Travel Plan Review Charges – 

Commercial and Employment Developments


1,500 sqm to 5,000 sqm business



Plus an additional refundable*10% surcharge


5,000 sqm to 10,000 sqm business



Plus an additional refundable*10% surcharge


10,000 sqm+ business



Plus an additional refundable*10% surcharge


                        *refund subject to plans being submitted on time
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