Financial support
Paying for childcare can take a big chunk out of your household income. However, don’t rule out any options until you’ve worked out what financial help is available to you. Also, consider the benefits you may be able to claim.
- 15 & 30 hours childcare for eligible working families (children aged 9 months to 4 years)
- 15 hours early learning for families receiving some additional forms of support (children aged 2 years)
- 15 hours childcare for all families (children aged 3-4 years)
- Tax-free childcare for working families, including the self-employed
- Universal Credit can also assist with childcare costs if you aren’t receiving tax-free childcare
- Childcare Element of Working Tax Credits
- Study support for families where one or both of the parents are studying
For more information, check your eligibility or apply, visit Childcare Choices.
Knowsley Early Years Service provides childcare settings with business support and guidance, to assist providers when setting their fees.