Article 4 Directions
The designation of a conservation area alone does not mean planning permission is required for all forms of development within them. Within conservation areas there are a range of ‘permitted development’ rights whereby certain types of work can be undertaken without planning permission being required. This however means that the character and appearance of conservation areas can be negatively affected by the cumulative effect of inappropriate minor changes. Article 4 Directions are a special kind of planning regulation which allows the Council to remove certain ‘permitted development’ rights, meaning that a greater range of work requires planning permission before it can be carried out.
Article 4 Directions are currently in effect in three conservation areas in Knowsley, these are:
- Ingoe Lane, Kirkby Article 4 Direction
- St Michael’s Church, Huyton Article 4 Direction
- Knowsley Village Article 4 Direction
We may seek to revise these Article 4 Directions or put additional Article 4 Directions in place in the future.
Where the Article 4 Directions are in place, the following will require permission:
- Any extension, or alteration to a dwelling house (this includes replacement windows and doors, alterations to roofing materials or eaves details and construction of conservatories)
- construction of a porch
- erection or alteration of boundary treatments
- construction of, or alterations to, an outbuilding/garage/shed
- painting the exterior of certain properties.
If you're unsure whether a property may be covered by an Article 4 Direction, or you require further advice, please contact the Conservation Officer on 0151 443 2780.