About heritage conservation

Knowsley has over 100 listed buildings, 15 conservation areas and two registered historic parks or gardens. Alongside these ‘designated heritage assets’ are numerous non designated historic buildings, features, or sites.

Knowsley has over 100 listed buildings, 15 conservation areas and two registered historic parks or gardens.  Alongside these ‘designated heritage assets’ are numerous ‘non-designated’ historic buildings, features, or sites. These ‘heritage assets’ are often a source of local pride and add distinctiveness to the local area.

Historic Environment Strategy

The Historic Environment Strategy describes how Knowsley's heritage will be managed.  

Conservation Areas

There are currently 15 conservation areas within the borough of Knowsley. Please visit our Conservation Areas page for more information on these areas, to view their Appraisals and Management Plans and also find guidance on applying for Planning Permission for work which affects land and property in, or affecting the setting of, a Conservation Area.

Listed Buildings

There are currently over 100 Listed Buildings within the borough of Knowsley. Please visit our Listed Buildings page for more information on these properties including their addresses and grading, and guidance on applying for Listed Building Consent and/or Planning Permission for work that affects a listed building or its setting.  

Historic Parks and Gardens 

The Register of Historic Parks and Gardens is maintained by Historic England and includes a range of parks, gardens and cemeteries which are chosen for their special historic interest.  

Within Knowsley there are two historic parks:

Knowsley Park is registered at Grade II.  It has its origins in the 13th Century and has since been altered and enlarged several times.

Croxteth Hall Park is also registered at Grade II, it is mostly sited within Liverpool City Council’s area, however a small portion of the 19th century landscaped park extends into Knowsley.

If you wish to find out more about how sites are chosen or suggest a site for designation as a historic park and garden, advice is available on Historic England’s website.

Planning applications for works which affect Historic Parks or Gardens or their settings are required to be supported by a heritage statement


Knowsley has no designated Scheduled Monuments, but its past has left a rich legacy of archaeological remains which require consideration when development proposals are brought forward through the planning process. The council takes advice on archaeology from Merseyside Environmental Advisory Service, which maintains the Merseyside Historic Environment Record (HER) as a source of information about the archaeology and historic buildings of Knowsley.  

If your development may affect archaeology, you will be expected to undertake a suitable level of assessment as part of the planning process.

Non-designated heritage assets

Alongside ‘designated’ heritage assets (such as listed buildings, conservation areas etc.), there are many sites that do not quite meet the criteria for formal designation, but which are of local historic interest. These historic features and places add to the quality and interest of the local scene and are often valued by local people. The effect of development on non-designated heritage assets is a material consideration in determining relevant planning applications.

The type of features which can be considered non-designated heritage assets is wide ranging, including buildings, structures, monuments, archaeological sites and landscapes.

Planning applications which affect non-designated heritage assets, whether it is included in a ‘local list’ should be accompanied by a Heritage Statement.

Knowsley Council has begun to develop a Local List of buildings and structures of historic or architectural interest to help identify locally important non-designated heritage assets.  The Merseyside Local List project was developed with government funding as part of a shared scheme with Wirral and Sefton Councils. 

Development of Knowsley’s individual local list is currently paused. Nominations made as part of the initial project remain under consideration. 

Grant Aid

Please visit our Grant Aid page here to access information about the Prescot High Street Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ), the Prescot Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI) grant scheme and find links to other potential sources of heritage grant funding.

Pre-application Advice

If you are considering applying for permission for works to a designated or undesignated heritage asset you can seek our advice on your proposals before submitting an application.  Please see our pre-application advice page here for details.

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