Oak Plantation Community Woodland Improvement Works, North Huyton

Oak Plantation Community Woodland, located off Knowsley Lane in Huyton, is set to benefit from landscaping and infrastructure improvements that will transform it into an accessible and improved natural public open space, find out more here.

Oak Plantation is a historic woodland, originally forming part of the land at the Knowsley Hall Estate, but now owned by Knowsley Council. 

Thanks to funding secured through the nearby Earlsfield Park Housing and Commercial Developments, the Council will deliver a range of infrastructure and landscaping improvements.

The works will help to improve Oak Plantation’s visibility and accessibility for the community to use. In addition, the works will also enhance its biodiversity value for local wildlife.

The programme includes:

  • The creation of two prominent visitor entrances off Knowsley Lane with a further entrance through Lord Derby Memorial Playing Fields. 
  • The installation of over 1km of pathways, creating accessible woodland walks and recreational routes throughout the site. 
  • Provision of seating along the pathways.
  • Improvements to the natural habitats of the site, including the ponds, grasslands, watercourse and the woodland itself through vegetation management and essential tree works.

Works will commence on 23rd September 2024 and be completed by Spring of 2025. 

A plan of the proposed improvements to the woodland is available here.

If you have any questions regarding the improvements being delivered to Oak Plantation, please do not hesitate to contact the Knowsley Council's Environmental Sustainability Service on 0151 443 3682 or email ess.enquiries@knowsley.gov.uk

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