The Knowsley Educational Psychology Service logo


What do Educational Psychologists Do?

In addition to developing initiatives for the local authority in Knowsley, Educational Psychologists contribute to regional and national research and development opportunities in education, training and child development.  Educational Psychologists also have a statutory role in providing advice or information to local authorities for children and young people who may have a special educational need or disability (SEND) and are undergoing an Education Health and Care Plan.

Most of the work we deliver as Educational Psychologists relates to teaching and learning across four broad areas of development (i.e. social and emotional well-being, cognition, physical and sensory, and language and communication).

Who do we work with?

Knowsley Educational Psychology Service works directly with or on behalf of children and young people aged 0-25. We work collaboratively with children and young people, their parents/carers and school settings ranging from early years to post-16. We also work with a range of colleagues from agencies such as health and social care and contribute to multi-agency planning processes for children and young people by attending meetings, providing reports and through training and Continuous Professional Development.

Meet the team

A cartoon depiction of Hannah Barton - Principal Educational Psychologist

Hannah Barton

Principal Educational Psychologist

A cartoon depiction of Allison Inoue - Senior Educational Psychologist

Allison Inoue 

Senior Educational Psychologist

A cartoon depiction of Joanne Dean - Senior Educational Psychologist

Joanne Dean

Senior Educational Psychologist

A cartoon depiction of Laura Halton - Educational Psychologist

Laura Halton

Educational Psychologist

A cartoon depiction of Fran Roberts - Educational Psychologist

Fran Roberts 

Educational Psychologist

A cartoon depiction of Win Little - Educational Psychologist

Win Little

Educational Psychologist

A cartoon depiction of Rachel Hanrahan- Trainee Educational Psychologist

Rachel Hanrahan

Educational Psychologist

A cartoon depiction of Elle Hart - Trainee Educational Psychologist

Elle Hart

Trainee Educational Psychologist

A cartoon depiction of Jodie Read - Trainee Educational Psychologist

Jodie Read

Trainee Educational Psychologist

A cartoon depiction of Kezia Richardson - Trainee Educational Psychologist

Kezia Richardson

Trainee Educational Psychologist

A cartoon depiction of Catherine Braidwood Harrington  - Trainee Educational Psychologist

Catherine Braidwood Harrington

Trainee Educational Psychologist

A cartoon depiction of Leon Rostaing - Trainee Educational Psychologist

Leon Rostaing

Trainee Educational Psychologist

A cartoon depiction of Gemma Murdoch - Assistant Educational Psychologist

Gemma Murdoch

Assistant Educational Psychologist 

A cartoon depiction of Debra Fairclough - Business Support

Debra Fairclough

Business Support

A cartoon depiction of June Scott - Business Support

June Scott

Business Support

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