The Knowsley Offer logo in orange

Food and household essentials

As the cost of food and household items continues to rise, many residents may be struggling to afford essential items. 

Help is available in these circumstances. Already the Knowsley Better Together Hardship Fund has provided essential help and support to residents. This is on top of the Household Support Fund which has been prioritised for families with children and pensioners.

Through these funds more than £9 million has been passed on to Knowsley residents to ensure they can continue to afford household essentials including food and other supplies. This support continues.

In Knowsley a number of local organisations can provide support to people who may be struggling to afford food for themselves or their families. This support is available in all areas of the borough and includes foodbanks, social supermarkets and other community groups and organisations.

See what’s available in your area


Torrington Drive Community Association (TDCA)

Essential Boxes – including food items, drinks, etc
Clothing – children’s coats
Activities – books, word searches etc
White goods and furniture – Used, where available
Social supermarket – can buy food at reduced prices

New Hutte Neighbourhood Centre, Lichfield Road, Halewood, L26 1TE
Open: Monday – Friday 9am - 5pm
Tel: 0151 443 2168

Knowsley Foodbank (Halewood)

Emergency food for household to last 3 days.
Access to welfare benefits, debt and employment support and ‘baby basics’ for new/expectant parents.

Residents can either:

  • Obtain a voucher, from a local organisation (including many GPs, schools, Citizens Advice etc). Once presented to the foodbank, this is exchanged for food.
  • Self-refer and have a telephone assessment through Knowsley Food Support by calling 0151 538 8243.

St Mary’s Church, Kenton Road, Halewood, L26 9TS.
Open: Saturday 10 - 12pm
Tel: 0151 673 1250
Foodbank mobile: 07988 617016
Freephone: 0808 2759930

St Nicholas’ and St Mary’s Churches (Halewood)

Emergency food parcels

St Nicholas’ Centre, Church Road Halewood L26 6LA
Open: Monday-Thursday 9 - 12pm
Tel: 0151 487 9965

St Nicholas and St Marys Church

We offer emergency food parcels, primarily based on requests from schools in the local area.

Food Club

Open every Saturday morning at St Mary's Church from 10 AM to 12 PM. Anyone can access this service without the need for a voucher.
For just £3.50, an individual can choose 10 items, or for £5, they can select 15 items.

Baby Bank

Also available at St Mary's every Saturday morning from 10:30 AM to 12 PM.

Community Connect at St Nicholas’ Church

Join us every Thursday morning from 10:15 AM to 12 PM to enjoy tea, coffee, toast, and more in a welcoming community environment.


Knowsley Foodbank (Huyton)

Emergency food for household to last 3 days

Access to welfare benefits, debt and employment support and ‘baby basics’ for new/expectant parents

To access help via the Foodbank residents can either:

  • Obtain a voucher, from a local organisation (including many GPs, schools, Citizens Advice etc). Once presented to the foodbank, this is exchanged for food.
  • Self-refer and have a telephone assessment through Knowsley Food Support by calling 0151 538 8243.

St Dominic’s Church, Southdean Road, Huyton, L14 8UL

Open: Thursday 12 - 2pm
Tel: 0151 673 1250
Foodbank mobile: 07988617016
Freephone: 0808 2759930

Incredible Edibles
07925529585 (email is best contact)

Social Supermarket; Friday 10am till 3pm. Gates open at 9.30am and we say be on site by 2.45pm as gates will close then. Free refreshments provided whilst people wait

10 items £3.50, 15 items £5.00, 30 items £10.00

The food club covers those people on low income - Need to provide proof of address when registering

We have free refreshments on a Tuesday 10am - 2pm. This is for people to come and socialise, and find out more details on what we offer.

Free workshop every Tuesday morning at 10am. Each week is different but its about herbs and the benefits medicinally to them, showing people how to make a tea, what parts of the body they benefit etc.

Facebook: Incredible Edible Knowsley

Court Hey Park, Huyton, L16 3NA

Open: Tuesday 12 - 2pm; Friday 11 - 2pm (Community food club)
Tel: 07925 529585

Homestart Knowsley

Support for families with at least one child under 11.

Can help with emergency food, clothing, baby basics, personal hygiene etc.

Also offer breastfeeding support, baby yoga, stay and play. Families with additional needs / disabilities welcome.

55 Rupert Rd, Huyton, L36 9TB
Open: Monday- Thursday 9 - 5pm; Friday 9 - 4.30pm
Tel: 0151 480 3910

Swanside Community Centre

Support with food and essential items

Willoughby Rd, Huyton, L14 6XA
Open: Monday- Friday 7.30 - 6.30pm
Tel: 0151 489 2370
Facebook page: swansidecc/

Stockbridge Village

Knowsley Foodbank (Stockbridge Village)

Emergency food for households to last three days.

Access to welfare benefits, debt and employment support and ‘baby basics’ for new / expectant parents.

To access help via the Foodbank residents can either:

  • Obtain a voucher, from a local organisation (including many GPs, schools, Citizens Advice etc). Once presented to the foodbank, this is exchanged for food.
  • Self-refer and have a telephone assessment through Knowsley Food Support by calling 0151 538 8243.

The Community Hub, The Croft, Stockbridge Village, L28 1NR
Open: Weds 12 - 2pm
Tel: 0151 673 1250
Foodbank mobile: 07988617016
Freephone: 0808 2759930

Stockbridge Village Hub – Community Food Club

Food Club – can select and purchase items at reduced rates.

Costs – £3.50 for 10 items, £5 for 15 items, £10 for 30 items.

All fruit and vegetables are FREE – varies on the day what items are in stock.

Community Hub, Unit 2, The Croft shops, Stockbridge Village, L28 1NR
Open: Tuesday 12 - 2pm; Thursday 9.30 - 12pm
Tel: 07793029740 or 07742056842
Email: stockbridgevillagehub

Flourish and Succeed

Office number 0151 245-6111 

10am to 3pm Monday to Sunday


Knowsley Foodbank (Kirkby)

Emergency food for household to last 3 days

Access to welfare benefits, debt and employment support and ‘baby basics’ for new/expectant parents

To access help via the Foodbank residents can either:

  • Obtain a voucher, from a local organisation (including many GPs, schools, Citizens Advice etc). Once presented to the foodbank, this is exchanged for food.
  • Self-refer and have a telephone assessment through Knowsley Food Support by calling 0151 538 8243.

St Andrews Church, Highfield, Tower Hill, Kirkby L33 1ZF
Open: Monday 12 – 2pm
Tel: 0151 673 1250
Foodbank mobile: 07988617016
Freephone: 0808 2759930

Kirkby Foodbank

Northwood Chapel, Bigdale Drive, Kirkby, L33 8XU
Open: Thursdays from 4pm – 5pm and Saturdays from 10am – 11:30am

Centre 63

Social media and website
Facebook: Centre-63
Instagram: centre_63
X: KirkbyCentre63

YES  Project

Open Mon-Fri 9am - 4:30pm

  • Advice and support with homelessness/ housing /property pool
  • Money & Debt-  benefits/budgeting
  • Tenancy Support

Adele Conway

Social Supermarket open Mon-Thurs 10am - 2pm

Old Hall Lane
L32 5TH

0151 549 1494

Southdene Community Centre
Contact number: 0151 289 0419
Southdene COMMO Facebook page

Food and vouchers available Monday- Friday 11am - 2pm

Referrals come from Social Subscribers, Teachers, and community members looking out for families in their community, Social Services officers, CGL, MDHA (Merseyside debt housing advice)

Northwood Together

Email -
Telephone - 07785728220

Quarry Green Tenants Association
Daleside Road
L33 8XS

Your offer - 2 Weekly Food Drop in Sessions Open to all Northwood residents Monday & Thursdays 10.30am-11.30am with zero waste on the same day and times that is open to anyone

Facebook: Northwood Together Community Group

Prescot, Whiston, Cronton and Knowsley Village

Knowsley Foodbank

Emergency food for households to last three days

Access to welfare benefits, debt and employment support and ‘baby basics’ for new/expectant parents.

To access help via the Foodbank residents can either:

  • Obtain a voucher, from a local organisation (including many GPs, schools, Citizens Advice etc). Once presented to the foodbank, this is exchanged for food.
  • Self-refer and have a telephone assessment through Knowsley Food Support by calling 0151 538 8243.

Salvation Army Prescot, Warrington Road, L35 5UA
Open: Weds 12 - 2pm
Tel: 0151 673 1250
Foodbank mobile: 07988 617016
Freephone: 0808 2759930

The Park Pantry Community Food Club

Residents chose 10 items for £3.50 in the community food club.
Emergency food parcels for collection.

The Pavillion, Eaton St, Prescot L34 6HD
Open: Weds 11.30 - 1.45pm
Call: Jo Burke, 07526603529

Emergency support scheme

Knowsley Council has a limited emergency fund to provide help to residents with food and/or fuel in an unforeseen crisis situation.

Find out more about the Emergency Support Scheme.

Prescot Community Church Social Supermarket

Old Colliery Road
L35 3SX

Phone: 07967012042

  • Self referral
  • Social Supermarket

Open Wednesday and Thursday, 10:30-12:30

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