Energy saving tips

There are simple changes you can make at home to help you save money in the long run.

1. Lower your heating thermostat

Reduce your room temperature by turning down your heating thermostat to 18°C. This simple step could save you up to 10% on your heating bills. If you have a programmer, set your heating and hot water to activate only when needed, rather than running continuously.

2. Optimise water temperature

Next time your boiler receives servicing, ask the Gas Safe engineer to adjust your water temperature to a comfortable level. This will ensure you're using hot water efficiently.

3. Prevent heat loss

As dusk approaches, draw your curtains to prevent heat from escaping through windows. Additionally, check for drafts around windows and doors and seal any gaps to minimize heat loss.

4. Switch off lights when leaving rooms

Make a habit of turning off lights whenever you leave a room to conserve energy.

5. Avoid standby mode

Unplug appliances when not in use to eliminate standby power consumption. Additionally, avoid leaving laptops and mobile phones on charge unnecessarily.

6. Optimise appliance usage

Fill up your washing machine, tumble dryer, or dishwasher whenever possible. Running one full load is more energy-efficient than two half loads. Choose the economy setting whenever available.

7. Boil water efficiently

Only boil as much water as you need. When using an electric kettle, cover the elements to retain heat and reduce energy consumption.

8. Fix dripping taps

A dripping hot water tap not only wastes water but also consumes unnecessary energy. Repair leaking taps promptly and ensure they are fully turned off when not in use.

9. Switch to LED bulbs

Replace traditional incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient LED bulbs. LED bulbs last up to 10 times longer and consume significantly less energy.

10. Explore government energy grants

Check if you qualify for government energy grants under the Energy Companies Obligation (ECO) scheme. These grants can provide financial assistance for home insulation or heating upgrades, improving your home's energy efficiency and reducing your fuel bills.

11. Defrost your freezer regularly

Defrosting your freezer regularly can significantly improve its energy efficiency. When ice buildup exceeds a quarter of an inch, it can affect the door seal's effectiveness, allowing cold air to escape and increasing energy consumption.

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