
Knowsley Pest Control Service offers pest control treatments for homes and businesses, including rat extermination. Find out more about the different types of pests and how to treat them.


Black garden ants are a nuisance but pose no risk to human health. Their nests are found in the soil in gardens or under floors. Garden ants swarm as they fly away to find a site to create a new colony each year. This occurs naturally and is usually over within 48 hours.

Pharaoh ants

Pharaoh ants can pose a health risk as they can spread infections by penetrating food packaging and contaminating food and water. They are about 2mm long and pale yellow / brown in colour. Pharaoh ants are only found indoors. They are very agile and are able to climb smooth surfaces.

Signs to look for around your home

Garden ants

  • Ants can be found indoors and outdoors, especially around paved areas
  • Trails of ants moving to and from nest sites or open food / spillages
  • Small piles of sandy soil around thresholds 

Pharaoh ants

  • Long narrow trails of ants moving to and from the nest toward food sources
  • They need warm humid areas to breed so often gather near central heating systems and heated indoor areas
  • Ants will forage for water around sinks and areas of condensation

How to prevent ants

Garden ants

  • Seal holes and gaps around windows and doors
  • Clean up food spillages
  • Store food stuffs in sealed containers
  • Empty and clean kitchen bins regularly

Pharaoh ants are brought into the property on foodstuffs or from other infected properties. There is little you can do to prevent an infestation.

Treating and controlling ants

Garden ants

Insecticidal aerosols and dusts are available from many DIY stores and garden centres. Always read directions and instructions before use. 

Insecticidal aerosols

Spray into cracks and crevices and around skirting boards, door frames, air bricks and any other access points. Can last for several days and can also be used to control flying insects. 

Insecticidal dusts

Can be applied directly to nests and lasts for several weeks. 

Pharaoh ants

Please seek professional help as soon as possible.


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