Supplementary Information Forms (SIF)

Some schools require applicants to complete a supplementary information form (SIF) in addition to the common application form (CAF). Find out more here about the forms and how they are used here.

Some schools have special criteria for admission, such as faith or catchment area. If you want your child to be considered under these criteria, you will need to complete a supplementary information form (SIF).

The common application form (CAF) does not always gather all the information that individual schools need to apply their oversubscription criteria. Therefore, some schools request that applicants complete an SIF.

SIFs typically ask for additional information about your child's circumstances, such as their religious beliefs or attendance at siblings' schools. This information helps the school to assess your child's application fairly and accurately.

Knowsley Catholic and Church of England schools typically have an SIF that applicants must complete if they want their application to be considered under certain faith criteria. You can get these forms directly from the schools or download them from the Knowsley Council website.

If you are applying to a school that has an SIF, it is important to read the form carefully and complete it fully and accurately. You should also submit the SIF to the school by the deadline.

If you have any questions about SIFs, please contact the schools you are interested in applying to.

Here are some additional tips for completing SIFs:

  • Be honest and accurate in your responses.
  • Provide any supporting documentation that is requested, such as a copy of your child's baptismal certificate or a letter from a religious leader.
  • If you are unsure about how to complete a question, contact the school for assistance.

By completing SIFs accurately and on time, you can help to ensure that your child's application is given full consideration.