Fair Access Protocol (FAP)

Fair Access Protocols ensure hard to place and vulnerable children are placed as quickly and fairly as possible. Find out more here.

Each Local Authority must have a Fair Access Protocol that has been agreed by schools in the area to make sure that unplaced and vulnerable children, and those having difficulty in securing a school place in-year, are allocated a place as quickly as possible.

The protocol only applies to specific categories of children who are requesting a school place through the in-year transfer/admission process. It does not apply to the annual allocation of reception class places in primary school or year 7 places in secondary schools.

The Fair Access Protocol ensures that no individual school is asked to admit a disproportionate number of children who have been excluded from other schools or who display challenging behaviour, or who are being placed via other categories of the protocol.  

The Fair Access Panel do not have to comply with parental preference for a school place and can agree placements beyond the usual admission limit, or refuse where places might otherwise be available.

The Knowsley Fair Access protocol can be found below:

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