Late applications and making a change to your secondary school application

Find out how we process late applications and how to make changes to your application here.

Applications for places in year 7 of secondary schools for the current school year 2024/25 should now be made by following in-year admission/transfer procedures for Knowsley secondary schools.

Late applications for admission to secondary school in September 2025

After the national closing date of 31 October 2024, an application can still be made via the online application portal. However, making a late application could result in missing out on a school place and applicants are strongly advised to apply on time.

To make a late application you can access the online portal here

Alternatively, contact the school admissions team to request a paper application form.

Applications received after the closing date 

Applications naming Knowsley schools as preferences that are received by the school admissions team after the closing date but before the initial allocation process begins will be included wherever practicable.

Applications received after the allocation process has begun

Applications naming Knowsley schools as preference, received after the initial allocation process has begun (after 2 December 2024 for secondary schools) will not normally be considered by the admission authorities of Knowsley schools until the initial allocation process is complete. Only where the admission authority accepts there are exceptional circumstances, will late applications be considered in the initial allocation. 

If applicants believe that there are exceptional reasons why the application is submitted late, it is their responsibility to confirm this at the point of application and provide supporting evidence if necessary. 

The deadline for exceptional circumstance consideration for secondary school applications is 20 January 2025.

Making changes to your application

Change of school preferences

Online applicants can make changes to their school preferences up to the national closing date of 31 October by logging into their account via the application portal to make the change and resubmit the application.  

Those who have applied by paper application will need to contact the school admissions service directly to request a change of preference.

A change of preference during the allocation period will only be accepted if there are substantial or exceptional reasons, for example a change of address. Applicants should contact Knowsley school admissions service confirming the reasons why a change is being requested and should provide evidence of the change of circumstances resulting in a change of preference request, for example proof of exchange of contracts to confirm a house move.

The deadline for change of preference due to exceptional circumstance for secondary school applications is 20 January 2025.

Where there are no exceptional reasons for the request, a change of preference can be made by withdrawing the original application and making a new application - this can be done online via the application portal.  Any new application will be considered as a late application, therefore please be aware how late applications are treated (see above).

Other changes of circumstances

It is the responsibility of the applicant that the information on their application is correct. If a change takes place after the application is submitted, this may affect how the application is considered. A place may be withdrawn if it is offered based on information that is incorrect. 

If the change is in relation to information provided on a supplementary information form, the applicant should contact the individual school directly to discuss making a change to the form.

If applicants are unsure about what is a relevant change, contact Knowsley School Admissions Service for advice.

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