Apply for a primary school

Apply for admission to reception class in primary school for school year 2025/26 here.

If your child’s date of birth is between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 you can apply for a reception class place for your child to start in September 2025.

Knowsley residents can apply for reception class of primary school from 12 September 2024. 

The national closing date for reception class applications is 15 January 2025.

National offer day is 16 April 2025, this is when you will find out the school place offered.

Before applying, please read the primary composite prospectus which has important information about the application process and explains how school places will be allocated.

Primary School admission composite prospectus 

The online application portal

The application portal is for Knowsley residents to apply for a reception class place.

If you do not live in Knowsley, you must apply using the application of your home local authority. 

If you are unable to apply online, please contact Knowsley school admissions service to request a paper application.

Apply here

Find out if you need to complete a supplementary information form as part of your application here.

Please note

Some Knowsley schools will be oversubscribed and will have to refuse some applicants. 

Knowsley residents are strongly advised to use all three preferences and name schools that your child has a high priority for in the oversubscription criteria. 

The admission arrangements and oversubscription criteria for school year 2025/26 can be found here. 

If a place cannot be offered at a school of your preference, an alternative school will be allocated, but this could be in a school outside of the immediate area in which you live if your local schools are already full because they have been named as a preference by other applicants.

Open events

Knowsley primary schools may hold open events during the application period which you can attend to find out more about the schools and ask any questions you may have. 

Please contact the primary school directly for more information about dates and times of these events.

As well as visiting the school and reading the admission policy, you can also view the school website or contact them directly by email or telephone to request a copy of the school prospectus or any other information.

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