About domestic abuse

Domestic abuse is any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence, or abuse between anyone who has been ‘personally connected’. This includes current or ex partners, family members, regardless of gender or sexuality.


Stalking is any unwanted or harassing behaviour from another person that makes you feel afraid or anxious. 

It can include the following.

  • Unwanted or malicious communications, such as text messages, emails, or phone calls
  • Unwanted attention, such as staring, making lewd gestures, or following you
  • Watching or following you
  • Loitering where you frequent
  • Monitoring your internet, email, or other electronic communications
  • Damaging your property

In most cases of stalking, the victim knows the stalker, such as a partner or ex-partner. However, there have also been cases where the victim does not know the offender.

Stalking can escalate to physical abuse, so it is important to take it seriously. If you are being stalked, you should contact the police immediately.

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