Equality and Diversity Operational Staff Working Groups

Staff at Knowsley Council have access to a number of Worker's Groups, who aim to provide support and champion issues of equality and diversity within the organisation and in the wider community.

Multi Faith and Belief Workers' Group

MFAB is a welcoming and caring community of people who value faith and belief in the workplace, and meet to explore and express these values and provide opportunities for others to do so.

We aim to celebrate and increase the appreciation of faith and belief in the workplace and offer support and community to colleagues who have a personal faith or who are seeking to explore or express their beliefs.

Where necessary, to challenge prejudice and inappropriate behaviour in relation to faith and belief in the workplace.

Women's Operational Workers' Group 

WoW provides a supportive community where women can share experiences, access resources, and find solidarity. WoW work with the Council to ensure women’s voices are heard and celebrated. The group also promotes International Women's Day/Women’s History Month.

It provides advice and guidance which contributes to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion agenda of Knowsley Council, particularly as women make up over 70% of the total workforce.

We run regular Menopause café’s where those experiencing menopause can gain support and access information and work with Organisational Development to deliver a women’s Empowerment Programme in order to reduce the Gender Pay Gap.

Disability Workers' Group

The Disability Workers’ Group (DWG) promotes equality for disabled employees within the workplace.  It works in an advisory and consultation role for the council, ensuring new and existing policies are appropriate for disabled people in Knowsley.  The group is also a source of advice and support.

The group aims to raise the profile of disability issues in the council and supports employees who identify as having a disability to make a lasting difference.

The DWG provides a forum to discuss disability-related issues and influence change in a positive fashion.

Neurodiversity Support Group

The Neurodiversity Support group is a forum for colleagues to talk about neurodiversity topics, such as Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia and more.

The group meet every other month in Huyton on the second Thursday of the month.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Forum

The Knowsley Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Forum offers support and encouragement to employees who wish to join or contribute to their activities. One of the main aims of the group is to increase the profile of the council as an employer which is supportive of its LGBTQ+ workers, where their contribution to the council is celebrated and valued as part of a diverse workforce.

The group acts as a consultation forum for new policies and strategies and hopes to influence change and open a two-way process for exchanging ideas, problem solving, and information sharing. It assists employees with development and empowerment and aims to raise awareness and reduce discrimination within the workplace.

Black, Asian and Minority Workers' Group

The Black, Asian and Minority Workers' Group aims to influence cultural change, promote respect and value of cultural diversity within Knowsley.

The group provides an overview of issues and concerns, and identifies improvements in polices, practices and strategies. Operating as Black, Asian and Minority Workers Collective, it challenges all forms of discrimination, racial harassment and bullying while promoting race equality in employment and the delivery of services.

The group aims to work towards equality and diversity through an alliance with other Black, Asian & Minority Workers networks. It forms an alliance with other Knowsley Council issue worker groups and other black and minority worker groups regionally and nationally, and to contribute to the establishment of a black and minority worker network for empowerment and change.

Below are examples of what the group gets involved in:

  • Offer support and encouragement to employees who wish to join or contribute to the activities of the group
  • Assist with employee development and empowerment
  • Engage in and promote networking opportunities with other councils and organisations at a local, regional and national level

Knowsley Council Carer's Forum

The Knowsley Council Carer's Forum aims to offer support staff who are carers.  This includes providing advice and support for employees with caring responsibilities, signposting to information for carers which will encourage a culture towards supporting carers in and into work; and promoting the retention of staff who are or may become carers.

Youth Employee Network

The Youth Employee Network was established in April 2024, as a space for young employees to:

  • Learn - from one another but also senior officers and guest speakers
  • Connect - with one another and build a network of peers across the council
  • Feel Empowered - a space where members have a voice across the organisation

The group meets once a month and meetings can vary widely, from challenging organisational policies to networking or learning events. One of the highlights is our “Mystery Manager” series, where a senior officer attends and discusses their area service, their career journey and their development ‘top tips’. This allows members to learn from senior officers and allows us to have a deeper understanding of the different services within the council.

The Changies

The Changies is a men's support group , where Knowsley Council workers can have a safe space to discuss issues, share experiences and seek support. Based on the idea of the footy ‘changies’, the group is a chance to make new friends and contacts, have a laugh and help others.

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