Gambling Policy review and consultation 2024

Knowsley residents are invited to have their say on the Gambling Policy review and consultation 2024.

The Gambling Act 2005 requires that Licensing Authorities review their Gambling Policy every three years. As our current policy expires in January 2025 we need to review it and this includes completing a public consultation on the new document.

The Policy must set out the principles which we propose to apply in exercising our licensing functions under the Act. Our Policy document is based on Local Government Regulation’s (LGR) original good practice template with amendments made to include local procedures.


Gambling Policy 2025-2027

Submit your comments

Have your say

You are invited to comment on the draft Policy document by 6th September 2024. 

After reading the policy please email

When submitting comments please include

  • Your name
  • Any organisation or persons you may be responding on behalf of 
  • Your address

Please give a brief description of any specific interest you have in gambling matters, if applicable. For example, you may be involved in some capacity with existing gambling premises or vulnerable persons or children’s groups.

All comments received, including names and addresses, will be made public via Council agendas and this website.  

At the end of the consultation period any comments received will be considered and the Policy will be amended as necessary before being approved by Full Council in October 2024.  

The final Policy Statement will be published and will take effect in January 2025.

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