Useful information and links

Here you will find links to external organisations that we think will be of interest and which will help you as a supplier to the public sector, together with links to other resources that provide relevant information.

BIP Guide to Winning Government Contracts

The Ultimate Guide to Winning Government Contracts is a website that has been created to help UK businesses of all sizes understand the public sector procurement market and ultimately win public sector contracts.  The Guide includes an overview of the public sector market place; public procurement procedures and timescales; guidance on finding contracts; guidance on writing bids; guidance on winning contracts; useful legislation updates; how to meet buyers; tips on after-bid procedure; common mistakes explained; and jargon busters.

Chambers of Commerce

There are a number of Chambers of Commerce whose aims are to support local businesses.  More information on action and support in individual boroughs can be found on the British Chambers website. You can also find info on the Knowsley Chamber website.

The Chest

The Chest is the Procurement Portal for contracting authorities in the public sector across England’s north-west region, linking public sector buyers with suppliers. Registration on The Chest is free and support is available including our Guide to Registration and The Chest helpdesk. You can search for opportunities across one, more or all of the participating authorities here.

Contract Procedure Rules

The Councils Contract Procedure Rules, are the rules by which it tender contract opportunities. These rules form part of the constitution.

Contracts Finder 

Contracts Finder has been set up by the UK Government to provide a free resource to suppliers who are seeking tender opportunities in the public sector.

Contracts Register

The Council publishes details of its contracts with suppliers.  This information is made available as part of the Councils' requirements to comply with the Local Government Transparency Code.  You can use the information that the Council publishes to understand whether it require the supplies and services that your company offers.

Crown Commercial Services

The Crown Commercial Service is the UK Government’s Cabinet Office vehicle for delivering procurement policy, advice and commercial buying activities across central and local government.

Federation of Small Businesses (Merseyside and Cheshire)

The Federation of Small Businesses is the UK's largest campaigning pressure group promoting and protecting the interests of the self-employed and small business owners.

Find a Tender Service (FTS)

FTS is the gateway for Suppliers who wish to search for new business opportunities throughout the UK. This is used to advertise UK wide opportunities that are in excess of the Word Trade Organisation Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) thresholds. Until 31st December 2020, the UK used OJEU to advertise such opportunities.

HM Revenue & Customs - Simple Accounting Procedures

HMRC provide information to help small businesses with record keeping, including a list of simple record keeping software applications some of which meet cash basis and simplified expenses specifications following consultation with HM Revenue and Customs itself. Many of these applications are free. More information can be found here.

Information Commissioner’s Office – Data Protection & Freedom of Information Guidance

The Information Commissioner’s Office is the UK’s independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals. Guidance can be obtained from the ICO on both Data Protection and Freedom of Information.

Modern Slavery Act

The Modern Slavery Act was created in 2015 to help eradicate slavery abuses in the UK (and globally).

National Procurement Strategy

The National Procurement Strategy website combines together guidance documents, case study examples of good practice and a host of other resources to enable local government to share with and learn from each other, as well as check their progress against the National Procurement Strategy.

North West Construction Hub

The North West Construction Hub manages a range of small, medium and large value construction frameworks across England’s north-west region. These frameworks are accessible to public sector clients in the region and the appointed contractors will be interested in understanding the local sub-contractor market place, with opportunities to provide sub-contract services on a myriad of construction projects on the go in the region.

Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU)

OJEU is the gateway for Suppliers who wish to search for new business opportunities throughout the European Union. Until 31st December 2020, this was used to advertise UK wide opportunities that are in excess of the Word Trade Organisation Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) thresholds. From 1st January 2020, the UK uses Find a Tender Service (FTS).

Small Business Commissioner

The Small Business Commissioner (SBC) is an independent public body set up by Government under the Enterprise Act 2016 to tackle late payment and unfavourable payment practices in the private sector. The SBC covers the whole of the UK - England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.  The office of the Small Business Commissioner (SBC) was launched in December 2017 to ensure fair payment practices for Britain's 5.7 million small businesses, and support them in resolving their payment disputes with larger businesses and bring about culture change.  There are a wealth of resources available on the SBC website.

Transparency Code Data

Local Authorities are required to publish a range of information each year.  The obligations are contained within the Local Government Transparency Code (2015). You can find the Transparency Code data published for Knowsley.

YPO Framework Tendering & Subcontracting Opportunities

Public sector purchasing organisation, YPO, manages close to 100 regional and national frameworks which the Council can access when procuring goods and services.  There may be opportunities for you to offer your services as a sub-contractor to suppliers appointed to those frameworks.  Equally, there may be opportunities to become a supplier to YPO, which in turn may lead to opportunities with the Council when they buy through future YPO frameworks.  The YPO has included information on its website to guide suppliers through its registration and electronic tendering processes.


Procurement services are provided by STAR Procurement, a shared service for Knowsley, St Helen’s, Trafford, Tameside, Stockport and Rochdale. We provide strategic procurement advice and support to each of the partners as well as tendering, market engagement and supplier support. Our priority is to maximise value for money for each of our Council’s, deliver efficiencies and maximise opportunities for Social Value.

0161 912 1616

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