Taxi/Private Hire fees 2024/25

Find out about current fees for hackney and private hire driver badges, plates and private hire operators.

Driver / Badge

Private hire and hackney carriage driver - new

Years Cost
1 £66
3 £110

Private hire and hackney carriage driver - renewal

Years Cost
1 £60.50
3 £104.50

Vehicle / Plate

Vehicle / Plate licences are set by the age of the vehicle. There is no option to increase / decrease the number of months the licence can be issued for. 

Private hire vehicle - new

Age of vehicle Months Cost
Less than 8 years old 12 £242
8 years old or more 6 £176

Private hire and hackney carriage vehicle - renewal

Age of vehicle Months Cost
Less than 8 years old 12 £231
8 years old or more 6 £170.50

Private hire and hackney carriage vehicle - Compliance Test

Type of Compliance Test Cost
Full test £49.50
Re-test (if criteria met) £27.50

Private hire operator


No of vehicles 1 year 5 years
£242 £847
2 - 10 £308 £1,078
11 - 50  £467.50 £1,628
51+ £550 £1,920


No of vehicles 1 year 5 years
£231 £803
2 - 10 £297 £1,039.50
11 - 50  £440 £1,545.50
51+ £528 £1,837
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