Apply for a gambling premise licence

You need a gambling licence to run a casino or any other kind of betting premises. Find out more about applying for this licence here.

Under the Gambling Act 2005, the council is responsible for operating licences, personal licences and premise licences such as casinos, bingo and betting premises.

About gambling licences

The council is responsible for licensing gambling premises in the following categories

  • Casinos
  • Bingo halls
  • Betting shops
  • Race tracks
  • Adult gaming centres
  • Family entertainment centres

Other licences and permits

We look at notices given for the temporary use of premises for gambling and grant permits for gaming and gaming machines in clubs and miners' welfare institutes. We also regulate gaming and gaming machines on alcohol-licensed premises.

In addition, we grant permits to family entertainment centres to use certain lower-stake gaming machines and grant permits for prize gaming. We also look at occasional use notices for betting at tracks.

Finally, we register small societies' lotteries.

The Gambling Act 2005 states that (except in the case of tracks) only people who hold or have applied for an operating licence from the Gambling Commission may apply to the council's licensing authority for a premises licence.

Knowsley Council Gambling Policy

Knowsley Council has approved a new gambling policy for 2025-27, which came into effect on 1 January 2025.

The policy outlines the council's approach to licensing gambling premises and promoting responsible gambling. It is designed to protect children and vulnerable people from the harmful effects of gambling and to prevent gambling from being associated with crime or disorder.

The Gambling Commission’s website also provides a wealth of further information about the Gambling Act legislative provisions.

How to apply

For further information about gambling-related licences and how to apply, contact the Licensing Section by calling 0151 443 2300 or emailing

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