Dangerous and wild animals

Dangerous and wild animal licensing ensures that these animals are kept safely and humanely, whilst protecting public safety. Find out more about applying for this licence here.

The private keeping of certain wild animals is controlled by the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976. You cannot keep any dangerous or wild animal without first obtaining a licence from the council.

This does not apply to dangerous or wild animals kept in a zoo, circus or pet shop, as these are regulated by other acts.

The full list of species which are now controlled under the Act is here


2024-2025 licensing fee £400

This licence is renewed every two years.

How to apply

Download, complete, and return the application form, enclosing the correct fee.

Please note that Knowsley Council will only grant this licence if:

  • We are satisfied that it would not be contrary to public interest on the grounds of safety or nuisance
  • The applicant is a suitable person
  • The animal's accommodation is adequate and secure.

Please contact us if you would like further information or advice.

Download your application form


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