Other requirements
Knowsley Council have signed a Healthy Weight Declaration. Therefore, where possible any food included as part of the application should be nutritious and healthy.
Whilst we encourage applications to include a contribution to operating costs in proportion to delivery of the project, these operating costs should be for the new or additional activities funded by this grant which means not the operating costs for existing ‘business as usual’ service provision. For example, applications could include operating costs to cover heating costs for additional opening hours or food costs to provide a lunch club which does not already happen.
Management costs for your bid should not exceed 10% of the total amount applied for. Management costs should relate directly to the proposed project only.
Grant-holding organisations will be expected to direct residents to services and support provided by other organisations. For the latest information please refer to Cost of living support - Knowsley News. This might mean that community groups actively make referrals, or could facilitate other services to ‘drop-in’ to their activity. This will enable residents to access local support together with grants for energy and home improvements (where applicable).