Supplementary planning documents

Here you will find all the Local Plan supplementary planning documents available to download

North Huyton Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

The North Huyton SPD was adopted by the council in February 2007 and was the first to be produced under Knowsley's LDF. It is consistent with the council's objectives for the area and will assist in the overall regeneration of North Huyton Action Area.

Tower Hill (Kirkby) Action Area Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

The Tower Hill (Kirkby) Action Area SPD was adopted in April 2007 and will guide the regeneration of the residential area know as Tower Hill in Kirkby.

Ensuring a Choice of Travel Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

The Ensuring a Choice of Travel SPD was adopted by the Council in September 2010 to provide detailed guidance about the council's transport policies. The main objective of the SPD is to ensure a good choice of travel modes to all new developments in Knowsley.  It can be used by developers to ensure that their proposals are accessible, promote sustainable travel patterns and minimise the congestion and pollution caused by vehicles. It will be used to assess planning applications in relation to transport requirements.

The SPD does not contain dimensions for car-parking spaces and manoeuvring areas.  These can be found in the Department for Transport document “Manual for Streets”.

Although the SPD covers the Knowsley Borough, it was developed in close partnership with the other districts on Merseyside and with Merseytravel. This was to ensure a relatively consistent approach across Merseyside to securing access to new development by a choice of transport modes, i.e. walking, cycling, public transport as well as by private motor vehicles.

Design Quality in New Development Supplementary Planning Document

The Design Quality in New Development Supplementary Planning Document identifies the overarching context for design in the Borough, and highlights Borough-wide issues which should be taken into account in designing new development.  This includes guidance relating to placing buildings, density and form, accessibility, landscaping, public open space, sustainable design, minimising crime, and preserving the built heritage. 

Shopfronts and Signage Design Supplementary Planning Document

The Shopfronts and Signage Design Supplementary Planning Document provides detailed guidance to developers on specific issues relating to design of new and altered shop fronts and signage.  This includes best practice on shop front composition, proportion, styles, materials, colours and security, together with requirements of signage in terms of types, position and illumination.

Developer Contributions SPD

This SPD supplements the Core Strategy policies by providing detailed guidance on how developer contributions will operate in Knowsley. This guidance is designed to be of particular use to developers, planning officers, stakeholders and local residents, and seeks to provide greater certainty at the earliest stages of the planning process, before a planning application is submitted or a development site is purchased, so that the cost implications of developer contributions can be fully taken into account. It provides a transparent framework for how the Council’s expectations with respect to developer contributions can be met in practical terms, and to ensure legislative compliance with the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulations 2010 (as amended).

Town Centre Uses SPD

This SPD has been prepared to provide clarity to business operators, local residents and planning decision makers, setting out where premises will be considered appropriate for the uses covered and what measures are required to minimise any adverse impacts which may arise. The SPD will be used by the Council when assessing future proposals involving the specific uses covered. The guidance cannot be applied   retrospectively to any of these uses already operating or premises with an existing extant planning permission. 

Householder Development SPD

The purpose of this Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is to provide further detail on how policies within the Knowsley Local Plan will be interpreted and applied for householder development proposals. The SPD is a key supporting document for the Knowsley Local Plan and will be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications for householder development in the Borough. The SPD should be read in conjunction with adopted Local Plan documents, including the Saved Policies of the Knowsley Unitary Development Plan, the Knowsley Local Plan: Core Strategy and the Merseyside and Halton Joint Waste Local Plan.

Trees and Development SPD

This SPD explains the Council’s approach in relation to Trees and Development setting out guidance relating to:

  1. Promoting best practice for proposals incorporating trees and landscaping within new developments
  2. Development proposals affecting existing trees, woodlands and other vegetation
  3. Requirements for detailed survey of all existing trees
  4. Requirements for provision of replacement trees

Prescot Town Centre Masterplan SPD 2016 - 2028

The Prescot Town Centre Masterplan SPD sets out the Council’s strategy for the development of Prescot Town Centre in the period to 2028. In doing so it seeks to promote the regeneration of the town centre and ensure that its future development delivers the Council’s wider objectives for the sustainable development of the Borough.

The above five SPDs (Developer Contributions, Town Centre Uses, Householder Developments, Trees and Development and Prescot Town Centre Master Plan) were formally adopted as Supplementary Planning Documents on 29 June 2016. The below Statement of Adoption covers all five SPDs.

Huyton Village Masterplan SPD 2017 - 2028

The Huyton Village Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) sets out Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council’s strategy for the development of Huyton Village. This masterplan SPD addresses the future of the village, setting out a new vision for until 2028.

Earlsfield Park (Knowsley Lane SUE) Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Halsnead Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) 

This Guide, ‘Halsnead Garden Village Design and Local Distinctiveness Guide’, provides parameters for the development of Halsnead Garden Village in Knowsley and it will assist all parties involved in its delivery including developers, designers and planners, to secure the objectives of the development.

Adding Social Value to Development: Employment and Skills SPD

This document has been prepared by Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). The SPD is driven by the Council’s aspiration to see additional benefits (known as social value) incorporated into its housing and other development opportunities. 

Amended New Residential Development Supplementary Planning Document

Knowsley Council made changes to its adopted New Residential Development Supplementary Planning Document. This added a requirement for electric vehicle charging points to be provided in new residential developments.

East of Halewood Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and Masterplan Document

The Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) sets out Knowsley Council’s development, design and infrastructure requirements for the East of Halewood Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE) site. The SPD provides a framework for the preparation of a detailed masterplan, and will help landowners and developers comply with the Council’s policy requirements in preparing planning applications for the site.

At a Cabinet meeting on 25 March 2020, Knowsley Council resolved to approve the adoption of East of Halewood Supplementary Planning Document.

The East of Halewood Masterplan Document has been produced by Knowsley Council, supported by Optimised Environments Ltd (OPEN). Its purpose is to guide the comprehensive development of the site known as the East of Halewood Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE) at Halewood. This masterplan report is consistent with, and should be read in tandem with, the SPD for East of Halewood prepared by Knowsley Council.
The Masterplan report fulfils the requirement for a ‘single detailed masterplan’ for East of Halewood and as such will have significant weight in the development management process. It will be a material consideration in the assessment of all planning applications within the East of Halewood site.

At a Cabinet meeting on 11 June 2020, Knowsley Council resolved to approve the adoption of East of Halewood Masterplan Document.

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