Report overgrown hedges or shrubbery

Find out how to report a safety issue on a Council-hedge or shrubbery and what responsibilities are held by private landowners.

Hedges and shrubbery that are Knowsley Council-owned are cut back once during the winter months to maintain highway safety and remove trapped litter and debris.

Hedgerows will not be cut during the spring or summer months when birds are nesting, unless for safety reasons, e.g., such as brambles encroaching on to the public footpath forcing pedestrians on to the carriageway.

All wild bird species, their eggs and nests are protected by law. You must always try to avoid harming birds or use measures which do not kill or injure them before considering taking harmful action.

If you would like to report a safety issue on a Council-hedge or shrubbery:

Start here

Overgrown hedges and shrubbery on private land

It is the responsibility of the landowner to cut back the hedgerow or shrubbery on their land to maintain safe passage on the footway or highway.

If you do not maintain your hedges and shrubbery

If your hedge or shrubbery is causing an obstruction or presenting a danger, we will tell you that work to reduce the offending vegetation must be undertaken within 14 days.

We will only take action where a hedge, tree or shrubbery is overhanging the highway or causing an obstruction or safety issue for road users.

If action isn't taken, or if it is an immediate safety issue, we may carry out the work and recover costs from you.

We cannot help you to resolve disputes with neighbours concerning hedges or shrubbery that are on private land.


For information on tree maintenance, click here.

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